In the movies, laid-off employees pack their personal items from the desk into a cardboard box before leaving the workplace. Sometimes this is a joyous moment (like Peggy Olson in Mad Man) - a symbolic beginning of a new and better chapter in life. Sometimes it's the apathetic exit of a person who loses their only source of income or questions the meaning of wasted years.
The enlarged cardboard box functions as a monument that weeps with the petals of a flower. The objects filling it are an imitation, the bottom is false and as a result this monument is half filled with emptiness.
A huge hand is engaged in wax divination. The rules are simple: the person doing the divination pours wax on water through the keyhole. Then, while illuminating the shape created, one interprets its shadow, trying to find clues about the future. Usually one looks for information regarding love, career or health.
Here, this person does not have the necessary mental tools to read the message. He or she sees something other than what the wax suggests. Instead of casting its own shadow, the wax casts an image of an ancient catastrophe. The vision of the dinosaurs just before the meteorites hit, nonetheless, is as imaginary as any possible image of the future.